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Segment details:
00:00-00:16 Product listing
00:16-00:52 Controller battery installation and removal
00:55-01:35 Motor battery installation and removal
01:36-02:41 Remote air rig installation and removal
02:41-04:13 Quick start instruction
04:13-04:44 Automatically calibrate the lens
04:47-05:15 Switch motor direction
05:17-05:48 Clear motor stroke / Restore motor stroke
05:48-07:05 A-B point limit / automatic operation
07:05-07:57 Switch to ZOOM mode
07:57-08:17 Re-pair bluetooth
08:17-08:36 Indicator light instruction
08:38-09:02 Charging instruction
09:02-09:31 APP Instruction - Download
09:34-10:14 APP Instruction - Connect
10:17-10:47 APP Instruction - Choose channel and control
10:49-10:31 APP Instruction - AB point limit and automatic operation